Research Participant Agreement
Voluntary Participation
Taking part in this study is entirely voluntary and will not affect your employment status in anyway. You will be unable to skip some questions. You may change your decision to participate at any point throughout the study. You have the right to refuse to answer any questions or withdraw from the study at any point in time, unless prompted to require a response. If the decision to withdraw from the study is made, any data captured prior to withdrawal will remain in the online database (Lawson REDCap), but no further data will be collected. If you would like to remove your data entirely, please contact the Research Coordinator via email: To remove your study data, you will need to provide your email address. Only the Research Coordinator/Data Custodians has access to your email address.
The Investigators will preserve the confidentiality of all participants taking part in the study as per all applicable laws and regulations. The results of all questionnaires will remain confidential, except where disclosure is mandated by principles of ethical research or federal law.
Those interested in participating in future research may also provide their email address within the survey. Email addresses will be stored separately and will not be linked to the survey responses. All personally identifiable information is only accessible to the Research Coordinator/Data Custodians. In addition, the personally identifiable information is not linked to study data and will be collected and stored using the secure survey-hosting platform, Lawson REDCap. A separate list of email addresses will be maintained on the St. Joseph's Health Care Microsoft 365 cloud, which is protected by password and located behind a firewall, accessible to the Research Coordinator/Data Custodians for contacting participants interested in future follow-up studies. When nonidentifiable data is exported, they will be stored separately from participant identifiable information. Lawson REDCap follows St. Joseph's Health Care security guidelines and policies, and all web-based information transmission is encrypted. Lawson REDCap was developed specifically around HIPAA-security guidelines. Electronic data will be password-protected and only accessible to the approved study Investigators. All electronic documents and study data will be stored on the St. Joseph's Health Care Microsoft 365 cloud, which is password protected and behind a firewall, and on Lawson Health Research Institute's approved data collection platform Lawson REDCap, also found behind a firewall. Data will be stored for 15 years, as per Lawson Health Research Institute (London, Ontario) institutional guidelines. After 15 years, the data will be destroyed according to institutional guidelines at the time of data destruction. In addition, de-identified data may be used in the future for potential secondary analyses (e.g., to generate or test new hypotheses). De-identified research data may be shared with other researchers/statisticians/analysts through data sharing agreements approved Page 5 of 5 Version 2: (29-06-2023) by LHRI to confirm findings or provide analytical expertise; no directly identifying information will be shared.
Any data that may be published in scientific journals will not reveal your identity nor the specific events recalled during the study. The results of the questionnaires described above will be used for purposes only in the context of this study. If you decide to participate, you are free to discontinue participation at any time without explanation to the researchers. Representatives of the Western University Health Sciences Research Ethics Board may require access to your study-related documents to oversee the ethical conduct of this study. Representatives of Lawson Quality Assurance Education Program may require access to your study-related records to ensure that proper laws and guidelines are being followed. Please be advised that your participation in this study, or indeed any research, may involve risks that are currently unforeseen by Lawson Health Research Institute, St. Joseph's Health Care London, or Western University.